Site Features

A Comment System Poll

Before I go back to working on articles of a fantasy football nature, I just wanted to canvas further opinion on the fate of our new comment system.

I’ve created a new poll to do just that. It’s now live in your middle column. Before you cast your vote, please consider some information which may influence things.

The Intense Debate system has some nasty bugs that we’d like to address which were discussed in an earlier thread. Please bear in mind that the reality is, because the system is hosted and owned by a third party, it could be a lengthy amount of time before these can be addressed. I can request changes but nothing more. The option to have replies open by default for example, may never materialise if Intense Debate do not feel this a worthy inclusion.

So do we revert to our trusted old system for now until we can have an idea on whether our bug fixes and changes can be implemented? This is clearly option two.

There’s also a third option to consider. The Intense Debate system allowed us to successfully navigate through the Fantasy Premier League deadline when normally I would have to close comments. This is huge plus but because comments are in sync between the old and the new system, it gives us the option to only utilise the new system during busy periods to ensure stability. So we could use our old comment system in the week and then activate Intense Debate specifically for FPL deadline periods. At least until the bugs are fixed.

Please take in all the options and cast your vote. Your feedback is much appreciated.

Mark Mark created the beast. He's now looking to tame it.

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