
Eliteserien Runde 12 – Looking forward to the Double Gameweek

In my last couple of articles, I’ve focused on the top defensive and midfield Fantasy assets so it only follows that this week’s focus will be on the top-scoring forwards in the game. As Gameweek 12 is the first double-gameweek of the season, I’ll also include how I’m going to approach this Fantasy milestone.

88 games in and we’ve had 261 goals. That’s three away from exactly three goals a game. To compare, the Premier League season ended with 1,034 goals over 380 games, or 2.72 goals per game. That’s pretty high, but we’d need another 106 goals to match the lust for goals that has been quite prevalent in Norwegian’s highest footballing tier.

The top 10 goal-scoring forwards in ESF have scored 53 goals between them, or 20.31% of the entire goals scored in the league. Again, to compare with the Premier League that would be like the top 10 point-scoring forwards ending the season on almost 24 goals each. In case you’re wondering if that’s impressive or not, I’d say it probably is.

Of course, the top 3 forwards (Junker 10, Borven 8, Fridjonsson 8) do skew our numbers somewhat (they contribute for just under 50% of our 53 goals) but still, we do have other players who are performing well enough to be considered alternative Fantasy options.

After looking at our Top Ten forwards, I’ll address the elephant in the room that is the first double gameweek of the season and how I will be approaching it. I’m not against taking a hit but just because we are entering a DGW doesn’t mean I think spending points to make transfers is always necessary. As ever I encourage debate on the subject, so please comment below with your own strategy.

The top 10 forwards we’ll be looking at are as follows:

1. Kasper Junker (86pts)

2. Torgeir Borven (64pts)

3. Holmbert Fridjonsson (50pts)

4. Daouda Bamba (46pts)

5. Lars Jorgen Salvesen (46pts)

6. Leke James (44pts)

7. Ohikhuame Omoijunafo (40pts)

8. Veton Berisha (40pts)

9. Moses Mawa (38pts)

10. Matthias Vilhjalmsson (38pts)

We’ll be looking at the following 10 categories:

1. Goals Scored

2. Assists

3. Total Shots/Shots on Target/% Conversion Rate

4. Big Chances Missed

5. Penalty Goals

6. Bonus Points

1) Goals Scored

Unsurprisingly Kasper Junker leads the way with 10 goals scored after just 770 minutes. Or, 1.17 goals a game. What’s even more impressive is that he’s not even made 60 minutes on two separate occasions (one game he scored 10pts with a goal and an assist, the other he blanked) and he missed another altogether. He’s in a league of his own right now and given the way both he and Glimt are playing, I can’t see him being caught any time soon.

Last season’s top goal-scorer Torgeir Borven is joint second with 8 goals, but 6 of those came in the first four games of the season when he was still at Odd. He’s since scored just twice for new club Rosenborg (in 549 minutes, or 6.1 games) which suggests he’s going through something of a transitional period which would make sense as Rosenborg themselves are certainly far from the finished article they aspire to be.

Holmbert Fridjonsson also has 8 goals after bagging a hat-trick against IK Start on Wednesday evening. He has one of the best goals per game ratio in the league (1.09 goals/game) which is even better than it first sounds when taking the club he plays for into consideration. Only four teams have scored more than Aalesunds, but they are rock bottom of the league and already look to be the whipping boys of the division.

Molde duo Leke James and Ohikhuame Omoijuanfo have scored 6 and 4 goals respectively but seem to be sharing minutes, meaning we have two premium forwards who are not guaranteed game time. At the same time, their attacking potential (AP) is quite formidable. James is averaging 1.04 goals every game, while Ohi is a bit behind on 0.85 goals per game. However, a mere four points separate the two and Fridjonsson is just 10pts ahead of Ohi, despite having played 240 minutes more than him.

Ibrahim Shuaibu and Mathias Bringaker have both scored the same amount of goals as Ohi (4) pushing Salvesen and Berisha out of the top ten for goals scored. Tobias Lauritsen has scored three times (as much as Mawa and Vilhjalmsson) but will be out for at least three months due to his shocking injury at the hands of Aalesunds goalkeeper Gudmund Kongshavn.

Lars Jorgen Salvesen hasn’t missed a minute up to this point but has only scored twice. While he may be struggling to get goals, he’s one of the most nailed forwards in the league so if he picks up a bit of form it’s hard to see him not starting/being hooked early. Along with Veton Berisha (2 goals) he drops out of the top ten goal scorers despite his points tally.

Moses Mawa and Matthias Vilhjalmsson (3 goals) have as many goals as Daouda Bamba who since scoring three goals in his first three games has really seemed to struggle up front of late. The Brann forward has cut a frustrated figure since being substituted early against Rosenborg – it seems as though something is not right there.

Right now it looks like Junker is the must-have forward based solely on goal involvement, with Fridjonsson just behind. As they’re both relatively cheap, they offer great value for money, allowing funds to be thrown around the rest of the team without too much issue.

(Goals Scored: Junker 10, Borven 8, Fridjonsson 8, Bamba 3, Salvesen 2, James 6, Ohi 4, Berisha 2, Mawa 3, Vilhjalmsson 3).

2) Assists

While more associated with midfielders, assists provide another route into scoring Fantasy points and while the leading forwards may be out-and-out goal-scorers, some of the chasing pack will usually have a couple more strings to their bows and not only be able to score a good amount of goals, they’ll also offer AP in assists.

This is most certainly the case for Junker. He’s got 4 real-world (RW) and 2 Fantasy assists to give him the most out of any forward in the league. In fact, only Magnus Wolff Eikrem 7, Jens Petter Hauge 7 and Philip Zinckernagel 9 have more than him. He started the season at 8mNOK so it should be no surprise that on the cusp of Runde 12, he’s now worth an astonishing 8.9m.

Salvesen may be something of a goal-shy forward right now, but he’s contributed 5 assists in total (3RW, 2F) putting him one behind Junker. He may not be the most dynamic player going but hasn’t let his lack of goals get in the way of being a team player. Berisha has 3 assists (2RW, 1F) to go with his two goals. Viking don’t seem to be a team full of goals which is a massive concern and Berisha will have to do a lot to convince most managers he’s worth a huge 8.8m especially when Junker is a mere 0.1m more expensive.

Ohi 2, Bamba 2, Vilhjalmsson 2 and Borven 2 (1RW, 1F) occupy the next few places in our list while Lauritsen 2, sneaks in ahead of James 1. Fridjonsson and Mawa are both yet to register a single assist, showing that they are perhaps only to be valued in terms of how many goals they will score, rather than being involved in providing any kind of noticeable service to their teammates.

Overall the correlation is quite high in this category, as only two of our players miss out on the top ten for total assists. It’s a shame Lauritsen has suffered such an awful injury (one that could potentially derail his fledgeling career) as he seemed to be asserting himself as the number striker at Odd since Borven’s departure,

(Assists: Junker 6, Borven 2, Fridjonsson 0, Bamba 2, Salvesen 5, James 1, Ohi 2, Berisha 3, Mawa 0, Vilhjalmsson 2)

3) Shots/Shots on Target/% Conversion Rate

Salvesen (29) leads the way and only Zinckernagel (30) has more shots than him. The issue is that only 9 of those shots have been on target and his conversion rate is 6.9%. That’s shocking if we’re being honest. 14 of Bamba’s 24 shots have been on target and he has a conversion rate of 12.5%. That’s almost double Salvesen’s but it’s still pretty poor. No wonder these two are trailing their peers – they’re being far too wasteful.

Junker, on the other hand, has had 10 fewer shots than Salvesen – 19 – but 12 of them have been on target and his conversion rate is 52.63%. Once again, a Bodo/Glimt player catches the eye and not just because of their bright yellow kit. Quality over quantity has been a concurrent theme in these articles – this is a perfect example.

Fridjonsson’s numbers are equally as impressive. He’s had 18 shots, with 11 being on target and a conversion rate of 44.44%. For someone who is playing for the team rooted to the bottom of the league – that’s good going. Borven has had a total of 17 shots with 9 being on target and a conversion rate of 47.06%. Since joining Rosenborg he’s had just two shots on target in seven games which should be cause for concern for his owners – he’s not playing like he was at Odd.

Vilhjalmsson has had the same amount of shots as Borven, actually being more accurate (11 on target) even though his conversion rate is almost 3 times worse (17.65%). Berisha is in a similar boat (15/7/13.33%) perhaps indicating these guys are not who we should be looking to for goals at this moment in time. Due to Vilhjalmsson’s age and his slightly deeper positioning and Berisha’s lack of instinct, I can’t say I expect to see much difference in this area over the next 5-10 games.

Ohi Omoijuanfo has had 16 shots (8 on target) and a conversion rate of 25%. Not too shabby at all, but his teammate Leke James, while having fewer shots (15), has 11 on target and a far superior conversion rate of 40%. If money is no object and you’re finding it hard to choose between these two, pretty much all the information we have to this point shows that James is the much better option.

Mawa has a respectable 15 shots with 8 on target and a conversion rate of 20%. I feel as though if he was able to produce 29 shots like his partner Salvesen, he’d be scoring a few more goals. He’s capable of getting in good positions and links up well with those around him so potentially if he’s given the chances to get in front of goal a bit more, he may well become a bit more productive.

I’m happy to suggest we should consider how many chances our forwards are getting but judge their accuracy rather than a lust for shots. Sometimes it’s better not to shot, looking to draw a teammate into the next phase of play rather than simply hitting the ball vapidly towards goal. It seems as though Salvesen is trying too hard to impress those around him and needs to focus a bit more on his shooting in training.

(Shots/On Target/% Rate: Junker 19/12/52.63%, Borven 17/9/47.06%, Fridjonsson 18/11/44.44%, Bamba 24/14/12.5%, Salvesen 29/9/6.9%, James 15/11/40%, Ohi 16/8/25%, Berisha 15/7/13.33%, Mawa 15/8/20%, Vilhjalmsson 17/11/17.65%)

4) Big Chances Missed

It’s only natural to be concerned with the form of our players and simply rage-transferring those who are failing to return on our investment can actually do more harm than good. Whether or not our players are taking their big chances is hugely important. We’ve already seen how wasteful the top-scoring forwards in the game have been, but how does that translate into missing big chances?

If a high points-scoring forward with not so many goals is missing a lot of big chances it can be seen as both a positive and a negative thing. They may be missing opportunities to score but, on the other hand, they are being given those chances other forwards may not have the luxury to squander. At this stage of the season, we should be mindful of some players taking their time to find their form. If the chances continue to present themselves, it wouldn’t be the most far-fetched logic to assume our premium forwards will eventually start converting those chances.

Ohi, Bamba, Salvesen and Mawa have all missed 6 big chances – more than anyone else. James has been less wasteful, only missing 2 big chances, while Berisha (4) and Vilhjalmsson (3) once again show they are a yard or two off the pace.

Junker (0), Borven (1) and Fridjonsson (1) are sending a very clear message to Fantasy managers all around the world: We. Do. Not. Miss. Borven is a special case right now as he was far more prolific at Odd, but Junker and Fridjonsson are clearly elite, efficient and effective. Triple E forwards whose value should be quite glaringly obvious.

In terms of correlation this hasn’t been too helpful, other than to show how efficient Junker, Fridjonsson and James are. The rest of our group are slightly more wasteful but it shows they are at least being given the chances to indeed score.

(Big Chances Missed: Junker 0, Borven 1, Fridjonsson 1, Bamba 6, Salvesen 6, James 2, Ohi 6, Berisha 4, Mawa 6, Vilhjalmsson 3)

5) Penalty Goals

What type of forwards do we have on our hands? A really quick look into how many goals our forwards are scoring from penalties is helpful on two levels: 1) Are they the designated penalty taker for their team? (Thus boosting their appeal) and 2) what percentage of their goals are coming from penalties rather than open play.

James, Ohi, Berisha and Fridjonsson have all scored one, Vilhjalmsson two and Borven out in front on 3. All three of Borven’s penalty goals were scored while he was at Odd. If he is not on penalty duty for Rosenborg it wouldn’t be too dramatic to suggest his appeal has severely diminished as over a third of his goals this season have come from the penalty spot.

As they do not take penalties for their clubs, Junker, Bamba, Mawa and Salvesen are all on zero. If you’ve not got Junker in your team yet, I implore you to bring him in. The guy doesn’t need special favours to score goals, he just scores. Simple as that.

Over half our top ten have scored penalties which gives us another reason to have them in our team. It shouldn’t blind us too much though, as Castro is AAFK’s usual penalty-taker and Borven scored his penalties at Odd and if both James and Ohi are playing who takes the penalties?

(Penalty Goals: Junker 0, Borven 3, Fridjonsson 1, Bamba 0, Salvesen 0, James 1, Ohi 1, Berisha 1, Mawa 0, Vilhjalmsson 2)

6) Bonus Points

This is the category in which we find the most correlation. Nine out of our ten players make the actual top ten (Vilhjalmsson unsurprisingly missing out with 0 BFP). All things considered, this shouldn’t be too surprising – if you do well across the board, you’re going to be rewarded for that. Our forwards have been awarded bonus points on 21 separate occasions, 18 of those occasions when at least one goal was scored. From this, it’s quite clear our forwards are being rewarded for scoring with a healthy supply of bonus points.

Only three times have bonus points been awarded to our top ten when they didn’t score. Bamba was awarded 1 BFP for an assist against Sandefjord and Berisha was given 2 BFP for a single assist away to FK Haugesund (ironically only being given a single bonus point when he scored and assisted at home to Sandefjord) while Mawa banked 2 BFP despite failing to either score or get an assist at home to Odd.

The list of BFP awarded to our top players is as follows:

• Junker 10 (3,2,3,2)

• Borven 5 (3,2 – Odd)

• Fridjonsson 5 (2,3)

• Bamba 7 (3,3 – when scored,1 assist)

• Salvesen 3 (1,2)

• James 5 (1,1,3)

• Ohi 4 (1,3)

• Berisha 4 (1,3 assist)

• Mawa 5 (2 no return,3)

• Vilhjalmsson 0

If we use Junker as the benchmark, we can see we’re doing pretty well in this department. BFP is a largely subjective aspect of the game – quite often we’ll see players who didn’t directly contribute as much as other players given more BFP due to their efforts in other areas. I think this system is a good one as we see players who excel in other areas rewarded for their efforts, rather than simply throwing bonus points at reactive goal scorers. Although the man in the stand could do with hanging around a bit longer after the last game of the week – we usually have to wait until the morning after for the game to update…

Conclusion and DGW Approach

At this moment in time, it really does seem like we’re clutching at straws when it comes to forwards. Junker is by far and away the must-have pick up top. Nobody comes close to his numbers and he’s playing for the best team in the league. Statistically speaking and going by any Fantasy metric of your choosing, the guy is basically essential.

Borven was great at Odd. Unrivalled perhaps. At Rosenborg it’s another story. He’s not as good. He’s in a worse team. And he’s often being played out of position. It’s hard to argue he’s worth the money, but he is a player of great quality. It has to be a case of ‘wait and see’, rather than insisting that next week will be his week. He’s scored a couple for Rosenborg but he doesn’t seem the same since moving. It seems like a poor fit to say the very least.

Fridjonsson could be a very cheap second striker. Before his price begins to rocket. I’ve avoided going for him this week as Niklas Castro will miss out due to suspension. Though Simen Nordlii is another competent provider and all-round good Fantasy asset, I feel Fridjonsson’s appeal diminishes somewhat without Castro. When he’s back for Aalesund’s home fixture against Viking, there’s a good chance Fridjonsson will come straight into my team.

Bamba and Salvesen are two heavyweight players with premium price-tags to match; poetically reflecting their own wastefulness up front with their owners’ investment in them. They’re a hard sell but do play for teams that are creating chances on a constant basis. Bamba has the potential to be an explosive player with a much higher points ceiling than he’s displaying this season, and Salvesen is in the path of some of the most creative players in the league – you’d expect in another ten games time for a huge improvement.

James and Ohi will more than likely continue to share game time, playing together on occasion. There will always be a risk attached to choosing one over the other but seeing as both have quite high ceilings, they can definitely reward any investor willing to put up with the odd cameo here and there.

Berisha, Mawa and Vilhjalmsson seem to offer the least out of all our players. If Stromsgodset decided to revert to playing with a single striker up front then Salevesen would without question get the nod ahead of Mawa, either pushing him out on the flank or back towards the bench. Vilhjalmsson is not playing up front for Valerenga and looks for less effective in a deeper role. The fact he is on penalty duty gives him limited appeal – it’s not enough to make up for the lack of goal-threat he offers.

Berisha is perhaps looked at harshly due to his value and the fact he’s not scoring as many goals as most of us thought he would, but he’s also playing for a team near the bottom of the table who often make it look harder than it should be to mount a serious attack. He’s scored as many goals as Viking defender Adrian Pereira, and set up just one more. If I was looking to bring in a Viking asset for their attacking qualities, I’d probably jump at Pereira for almost 3m less.

I currently have Junker and Ohi up front with the terribly ‘gambled upon’ Flamur Kastrati. After the double Gameweek I will be bringing in Fridjonsson for Kastrati, deciding what to do with Ohi the following week. If the rest of my team isn’t too badly affected, I may end up deciding to keep Ohi as the other options really aren’t that appealing.

Speaking of the double gameweek, I have decided to triple up on Molde assets despite taking a hit of -8pts. Whilst not being averse to taking hits, I’ve not made this move without quite a lot of consideration. Before bringing in Linde I had Viljar Myhra (in my opinion one of the best-performing keepers in the league) and Kristoffer Klaesson. Myrha is up against Bodo/Glimt and Klaesson against Brann. Both away from home. I fully expect both teams to lose, therefore I’m quite confident neither keeper will amass more than 2 or 3pts. I am confident that Molde will keep at least one clean sheet against either Sandefjord and IK Start in the double. Even if he doesn’t, he should at least halve my deficit in the very worst outcome.

Etzaz Hussain was in my team beforehand, but to be able to bring in Ohi, I had to make an extra transfer. This is where my conflict lay. I knew I wanted one of James or Ohi but would have to take an extra hit to be able to bring either of them in. James is too expensive for me as I don’t want to tear apart my midfield or defence for him. Ohi, however, allowed me to remove my most-recently bought midfielder – the brilliant Mikkel Maigaard – and bring in the ‘alright’ Niklas Sandberg as a replacement. I was happy to make that sacrifice.

Ohi comes in to replace Borven up front and provides me with not only a shield for the DGW but a chance to get some big points. He’s a huge differential compared to James (6.3% ownership – 27.5%) and goes into DGW 12 on the back of two assists and a goal as well as 3 BFP. It’s a high-risk strategy as he’s more than capable of blanking or being outperformed by James, but he’s shown on several occasions he can be just as good. Ohi was also started more last season and in general preferred to James, even if the latter was more efficient at taking his chances and scoring points.

Eikrem is obviously another choice for the DGW that most people will look to. I did say at the start of the season I thought he’d see fewer minutes and while that has been the case, he’s always a lethal player if given the chance to work the ball around. Hussain is on 3 yellow cards, putting him one more booking away from a suspension – an issue that a lot of people are aware of, making him a less attractive choice. Molde are like Manchester City in the sense they have such depth in midfield. It really does feel like a lottery at times. Add to that the fixtures they have this week – Sandefjord away and IK Start at home – they don’t need to put out full-strength sides in both games. Their only concern will be to make sure they do not drop any points at all, as they’d ideally want to be level on points with Glimt come Wednesday evening. I’m not even going to give any advice on this – this is the very definition of ‘Dealer’s Choice.’ The phrase ‘Pep Roulette’ springs to mind.

Jesper Daland is my only IK Start asset and I’m happy with that. Bringaker has become a doubt for their next game and other than Eirik Schulze nobody really stands out for any kind of potential returns. They’ll be lucky to keep a clean sheet in either of their games against Mjondalen and Molde and attacking returns seem quite slim, too.

If I avoided the moves I have made I’d be left with Klaesson in goal against Koomson at home and left to choose between Maigaard being passed out of the game at away to Bodo/Glimt or playing Kastrati (who probably won’t even start the next game) for a Kristiansund team who seem to score more when he’s not playing, away to Viking. With Linde and Ohi both potentially playing two games (at least 3 between them) and Sandberg at home to a Stabaek side who will be without Andreas Hanche-Olsen, I’m confident I’ll make up the eight points I’ve spent to bring them in and then some.

Long-term I’m happy to be stuck with these players as if I need to get rid of them, they’re easily replaced due to how much value I have tied up in each of them. Being ‘stuck with’ three Molde players is a situation I’m happy to be in, and while Sandberg may not be the answer to all my problems for the weeks ahead, he’s probably one of the best choices for this week. As he’s easily replaced by players such as Nordlii, and Stabaek trio Hugo Vetlesen, Kornelius Normann Hansen and Oliver Edvardsen, I’m happy to have him for a couple of weeks knowing I have decent replacements (all cheaper) waiting in the wings.

I wouldn’t let the DGW blind you when making your decisions on who to bring in and how to approach the week, rather let it be a part of the decision-making process you adopt. It is very an issue to be dealt with and needs to be respected as such, as well as the gameweeks that follow. I don’t think a triple up is necessary, I’ve only found myself in this position because I’ve had Hussain since gameweek 9. IK Start assets haven’t been attractive options up until now and just because they’re part of a double gameweek doesn’t suddenly transform them into such.

I’m ultimately left with a team that, if by some cruel twist of fate I’d be unable to change for the rest of the season, I’d not be too concerned about. In my experience that’s usually a good thing. My style of play may differ from yours and you may rationalise hits entirely differently to me – that’s fine – but in my head I’ve considered what I need to and I’m willing to die by the same sword I thrust into each gameweek. I’m not always right and I’m happy to admit when I’m wrong, but sometimes you need to take a little bit of a risk in order to win. Unless we’re talking about roulette, in which case just go home. Seriously, it’s not worth it.


ReindeerHotdog ESF: Follow me on Twitter: @ReindeerHotdog

628 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Hotdogs for Tea
    • 9 Years
    4 years, 1 month ago

    Hussain to get a rest this weekend ? Played 2 x 90 whilst Aursnes was taken off early in the last game

    1. The FPL Units
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      How dare you!

      1. Hotdogs for Tea
        • 9 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        I was hoping he would have had a yellow card to force my hand, but if he gets a rest now plus a (on 3 yellow cards) suspension to come soon I think I may shift him to get a Viking mid, even for a hit.

        1. The FPL Units
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 14 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          Yeah you could be right and his run might be over.

    2. Team Cruel
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      100 % getting rested this weekend

      (game on Monday)

    3. Paul Psychic Octopus
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      He's started all 13 games so far. And if he does get subbed off, it tends to be just in the last 10 minutes.

      With Molde losing to Sandefjord and chasing down an irresistible Bodo-Glimt that has dropped only 1 point all season, cannot assume he will be rested.

      1. Team Cruel
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        He was rested in GW2. I think he has played more minutes than intended simply because all the injuries in defence have forced the midfield backups to cover in defence.

        Can't see him playing every game in the next 4-5 weeks. If he keeps avoiding the fourth yellow I think he will be rested for a league game when the CL qualifiers start.

        Molde will be fancying themselves in the CL qualifiers. One-off knockout games, they've got serious match rhythm while a lot of their potential opponents haven't kicked a ball for months.

        1. Paul Psychic Octopus
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          You're right. My bad. I got his and Knudtzon's minutes mixed up on my spreadsheet. Philip Hammond would not approve.

        2. Paul Psychic Octopus
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          Not far away...

          18/19 August for first Qualifying round.
          25/26 August for 2nd Qualifying.

  2. Sebinhooooo
    • 7 Years
    4 years, 1 month ago

    Finished on 70(-4) Green arrow up to 26 OR

    1. Sebinhooooo
      • 7 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Decided against bringing Leke this GW and captaining him as I had a feeling this DGW was going to be a trap. Instead went with Hestad who luckily started both and Haugen who returned an assist in each. Count myself lucky since majority went Hussain Bjornbak and Leke. Zinck (K) the main man

      1. Ramboros
        • 13 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Got to say I like your team. Seems identical to mine.

        1. Hotdogs for Tea
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          very similar to mine too 🙂

        2. Sebinhooooo
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

      2. Ramboros
        • 13 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        You have to link the page to your round history.

        1. Sebinhooooo
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          My bad

      1. The FPL Units
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Great rank!

        1. Sebinhooooo
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago


  3. Hotdogs for Tea
    • 9 Years
    4 years, 1 month ago

    So how did we all do last game week, was it a trap or a bumper double game week ?

    Probably all came down to the choice of captain as normal

    1. Paul Psychic Octopus
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      I would say a trap if you burned a chip.

      Most people would have had a couple of Molde assets anyway. Some may have got modestly lucky with captaining Ohi or Eikrem, but only Brynhildsen outscored Zinck.

      For me it was a tale of Brothers Grim. Eight brothers in fact. Only Linde, Eikrem and Zinck scored more than 2 pts. James (capt).
      Red arrow.

      1. Hotdogs for Tea
        • 9 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        ouch ... we all have those types of weeks, 25 points in Round 2 flattened me

    2. FPL Bielsa
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Up from 41 to 34 OR and avoided Ohi and James and captained Zinc, feel that I got away with it having only Linde and Hussain and taking a hit.

      On to this week and considering shipping Hussain for Zachariessen

      1. Hotdogs for Tea
        • 9 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        I may sell Hussain too as I fancy a punt on a Viking mid, but Zach has great fixtures.

        1. Paul Psychic Octopus
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          Was looking long and hard at Bytyqi. But Viking simply do not score enough goals and Berisha is probably enough for this week's away fixture.

        2. FPL Bielsa
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          Yes it’s mainly for next three fixtures, trying to minimise hits this year and bring players in for a run of games, got Fridge in up front last week and hoping he catches fires in next two or three, if not I’ll ditch then.

          1. Paul Psychic Octopus
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 13 Years
            4 years, 1 month ago

            "Hope Fridge catches fire"!

            Either that's witty writing or an accidental play on words. In this heat I just hope my fridge stays bloody freezing cold!

      2. Paul Psychic Octopus
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Rosenberg gamble is this week's Molde gamble (next 2-3 weeks actually).

        Lund and Borven for me. If I could find a balanced front three, would be happy to rotate a Midfield spot based on fixtures/affordability/not losing TV. May still do Koomson > Zach anyway.

        Team currently looking a bit odd (no pun intended) with no light blue Molde assets. But with CL qualifiers coming up, hopefully won't get punished too much.

        1. FPL Bielsa
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          I’m not keen on Molde with all the rotation, Hussain has been good for me last 4 weeks but rather have certain starter. Still got Linde and he’s a good way of raising cash if I need to upgrade elsewhere.

        2. Hotdogs for Tea
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          when are the CL qualifiers ?

          I think with a good 8 or 9 player base you can target the fixtures each week, but you need the cash to do that and it means not owning Eikrem because of his price ... but if you are captaining a BG player then you don’t really need Eikrem

          1. FPL Bielsa
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 1 month ago

            Agreed I sold Borven for Fridge so have around 2.7m in the bank at present, I’ve avoided the Molde big hitters all year so far and because of Zinc, Hauge & Junker it’s worked.

            CL qualifiers are in next couple of weeks I think.

            If you target players around a core team I still think you should target for a run of at least three weeks because with injuries and suspensions you will always need some transfers to sort those out.

          2. Paul Psychic Octopus
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 13 Years
            4 years, 1 month ago

            I posted them a bit higher up on this thread. These are according to the UEFA website:

            18/19 August for first Qualifying round.
            25/26 August for 2nd Qualifying round.


            Molde Eliteserien fixtures around qualifying are on 15, 22, 30 August.

            1. Hotdogs for Tea
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              thanks, much appreciated

              1. ffs casual
                • 4 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Europa league have qualifying rounds:
                27th August (Bodo Glimt and Rosenborg)
                17th September (Viking)
                24th September, 1st October

    3. Eytexi
      • 6 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Certainly a trap, but one I saw coming & didn't second guess myself on. Double captain out the window, but a good profit off Zinckernagel & Hauge while heads were turned by James & co.

      Punted on Ofkir despite planning to bring in Velde but hardly a bad decision on paper. Only complaint is selling Deumeland & Edvardsen for Linde & Ofkir for a hit, losing me a net 6 points. However, Linde should pay that back long term.

      77 (-4) helped me make up for a couple terrible weeks, taking my rank from 1.6k to 795. Eikrem to Velde already done for GW13: fixtures, form & consistent appeal from the eye-test enough to convince me. 6.1m ITB.

  4. ReindeerHotdog
    • 4 Years
    4 years, 1 month ago

    Not sure I agree in thinking it was a trap.

    Red card to Molde is basically impossible to predict. I thought Sandefjord might score but didn't see a win.

    Brynhildsen getting minutes was also hard to see - if he starts more he's straight in for me.

    Hussain has been one of Molde's most regular starters. Not surprised he played both.
    James was always being rotated with Ohi - not sure why people thought he'd play both.

    Was kind of obvious to me Eikrem wouldn't start both games - but he's still good coming on from the bench.

    Main thing for me was getting Ohi and Linde. Couldn't do that for - 4 so needed - 8. Only thing I got wrong was Sandberg over Velde.

    Overall perfectly happy with it - made a net gain on points and nice green arrow.

    If you're investing in Molde assets and moaning about rotation I don't understand. Up to now there's not been anywhere near as much rotation at all - it'll certainly be likely to become an issue over the next few weeks.

    Shipping out Hussain will happen at some point. Main big difference this week was those with Ohi and those with James. Ohi coming in to the DGW with a haul was always a good sign, made it easier to pick him.

    There's always luck involved in Fantasy football, it's not just getting your captaincy pick right.

    Velde won't get another 20pt game week. But he'll still be a good pick.
    over the next few GWs we might see a lot of movement in ranks as the lesser teams' assets may actually become far more useful than Molde/NG etc... Due to European fixtures

    1. Eytexi
      • 6 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      I don't think anyone thinks that the Molde rotation was surprising. The unpredictable elements as you discussed & the poor performance vs. Sandefjord, however, were surprising. James scoring 1 point, Bjørnbak's injury, Sandefjord scoring twice, Hussain double blank & Ohi scoring two penalties (and getting bonus despite not returning from open play) are all the causes for frustration rather than the inevitable Molde rotation.

    2. Paul Psychic Octopus
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      I think most DGWs can be considered a 'trap' when it involves just one team effectively and you take hits/use chips to get greedy.

      Seen DGWs in FPL with six teams playing, and that's ended up as a trap when they are not 'attractive' teams. Even worse, actually, because you can require several trips to the refuse dump in the subsequent weeks as you have dross you really didn't want beyond the DGW.

      I think most people expected James/Ohi rotation. And if given a free choice I would rather have had whoever was playing Start than Sandefjord. However, I had James, and Eikrem, who was my captain until the line-ups came out. Wasn't willing to take hits (see above), so it was Captain Linde or Captain James. Ironic that it would have been better leaving it on an injured Eikrem, but that's a short chapter in the long story of my rubbish captaincy picks.

      Yes, the red card did not help one bit. At least it wasn't a James red card - he was considerate enough to restrict himself to yellow on this occasion.

      Am out of all Molde assets with CL qualifiers coming up.

      1. ffs casual
        • 4 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Molde playing two of the weakest teams in the league was set up for some high scores, but the red card didn't help in the first game and then James affected by illness in the second. I don't think it was a trap, just a little unfortunate.

        3rd red arrow in 4 game weeks with James captain, but I had Junker as vice captain so it wouldn't have made much difference. I don't think I would have played things differently. I may switch out James if he doesn't start this coming game week though.

  5. have you seen cyan
    • 5 Years
    4 years, 1 month ago

    A friend sent me this on watsapp, he wont tell me where he got it but said its real (altho its not 100% confirmed). I'll post it but im not taking any responsibility for its legitimacy, take it with a pinch of salt

    1. CaptMidnight
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Could easily be the case even if that image is bogus.

    2. Ole.
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 15 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Why's it showing just those players?

      1. have you seen cyan
        • 5 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        idk, only ones they have decided so far? He said TAA is 7.5 as well but doesnt have a picture of that

      2. Baps hunter
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Because it's bogus?!? They are not sorted with any clever way and there are too few players.

    3. Andy_Social
      • 12 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Decent guesses. Could just type them out here instead of rigging up fake nonsense.

      1. have you seen cyan
        • 5 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago


      2. Baps hunter
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Rashford at 9.5 is too cheap as mid compared to Martial with same price.

    4. Greek Freak
      • 9 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Did you post it in the Eliteserien thread in the hope the mods don't spot it as easily?

      1. have you seen cyan
        • 5 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        no i always post here by mistake 😛

    5. Drexl Spivey
      • 6 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Why do this to yourself?

      1. Baps hunter
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Because he has photoshop and he can?

      2. have you seen cyan
        • 5 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        idk if its real or not, you'd prefer if I dont post it?
        Bookmark it if you want and see if its right or wrong

  6. Baps hunter
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 6 Years
    4 years, 1 month ago

    Aston Villa defenders should all be 4.5 and worth considering if they have good fixtures and decent gk. Rotating defs usually doesn't work, but perhaps something to start with?

  7. Ramboros
    • 13 Years
    4 years, 1 month ago

    Early indications of a Børven benching this week.

    1. KneejerkJoe
      • 10 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago


      1. Team Cruel
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Bib theory, playing on the reserve team in training

        1. Onz
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          That is usually correct, I am not going to bench or transfer out just yet as he is fit and may play a part in the final 30 for some points against a tired S08 defence. The next game is more interesting, if he is benched for that then I may give up the fantasy game and sign on to RBK as a forward.

        2. KneejerkJoe
          • 10 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          Thanks, was concidering Leke -》Børven but not now.

          What is the best rbk player for their great set of fixtures next 4 do you guys think? Ør just avoid?

    2. Paul Psychic Octopus
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Am on my wc and had done James > Borven, based on Rosenberg's next few fixtures. This is not good news, if true.

      Now not sure whether to reverse it or stick. Had planned to roll next week's FT to use two in GW15 to tidy up Viking assets.

  8. MTPockets
      4 years, 1 month ago

      Couple of articles about the dodgy refereeing in Eliteserien this season (h/t

      * 65 errors in key situations from first 10 rounds
      * Mjondalen hardest hit
      * No UEFA Elite or Group 1 referees

      1. MTPockets
          4 years, 1 month ago

          For additional context apparently author of the articles is a notorious disgruntled ex-referee
          (not necessarily wrong but not also not entirely objective)

      2. Ramboros
        • 13 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Expected Rosenborg lineup (rbkweb):

        Julian Faye Lund

        Erlend Reitan - Tore Reginiussen - Even Hovland - Anders Trondsen

        Kristoffer Zachariassen - Per Ciljan Skjelbred - Edvard Tagseth

        Carlo Holse - Torgeir Børven - Emil Ceide

        Børven still starting according to the most reliable source.

      3. Team Cruel
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        No leaks from Snowman this week 🙁

        1. Paul Psychic Octopus
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago


      4. Mince n Tatties
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 11 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago


        1 Joshua Gerardus Petrus Wilhelmus Smits
        2 Marius Lode
        3 Alfons Sampsted
        4 Marius Christopher Høibråten
        5 Fredrik André Bjørkan
        7 Patrick Berg KAPTEIN
        14 Ulrik Saltnes
        19 Sondre Brunstad Fet
        10 Philip Aksel Frigast Zinckernagel
        11 Jens Petter Hauge
        21 Kasper Aalund Junker

        1. Greek Freak
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          Look at these names! Joshua Gerardus Petrus Wilhelmus Smits might single-handedly make me start playing Eliteserien!

      5. Mince n Tatties
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 11 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago


        13 Kristoffer-August Sundquist Klaesson
        2 Christian Dahle Borchgrevink
        4 Jonatan Tollås Nation KAPTEIN
        6 Herolind Shala
        22 Ivan Tarek Fjellstad Näsberg
        8 Magnus Lekven
        14 Fredrik Oldrup Jensen
        26 Osame Sahraoui
        9 Aron Leonard Dønnum
        10 Matthias Vilhjalmsson
        11 Bård Finne

        1. Sebinhooooo
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          Have a feeling Valerenga will get a point today

        2. Paul Psychic Octopus
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          Could be a week to not captain a Glimt player.

          Pellegrino for me.

          1. J ⚒ Gimme ur Mané
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 10 Years
            4 years, 1 month ago

            Same here

          2. ReindeerHotdog
            • 4 Years
            4 years, 1 month ago

            Fridjonsson here.

            I started Borchgrevink over Risa mainly due to attacking potential.

            Expecting Glimt to score but can't see it being a rout at all.
            Valerenga can win this game. Probably draw, but this is one of the few fixtures Glimt will potentially struggle in.

      6. J ⚒ Gimme ur Mané
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 10 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Is james out?

        1. Sebinhooooo
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 1 month ago

          He got confirmed just on the deadline

          1. Sebinhooooo
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 1 month ago

            *Confirmed out

      7. El Puqi
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 5 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Maigaard & Velde coming in for Hestad & Normann Hansen (-4)

        OR 65.

        Good luck lads!

      8. FPL Bielsa
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 7 Years
        4 years, 1 month ago

        Anyone know where you can stream the game from UK ?

        1. MTPockets
            4 years, 1 month ago

            It's on eurosport, or via bet365 (think you need to have £5 in an account but never tried that)

            1. FPL Bielsa
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Thanks Eurosport not showing it in UK all cycling.

              1. Paul Psychic Octopus
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 13 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Norwegian cycling would be the final insult.

              2. Eytexi
                • 6 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Every single week. That or eSports virtual tour de France. How that takes priority I do not know.

              3. MTPockets
                  4 years, 1 month ago

                  Sorry I meant eurosport player (subscription - was £20 for a year when I paid)
                  Just had a look for a different stream but can't find one of watchable quality

                  1. FPL Bielsa
                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                    • 7 Years
                    4 years, 1 month ago

                    Thanks paid £6.50 for a monthly pass.

                • ReindeerHotdog
                  • 4 Years
                  4 years, 1 month ago

                  It's definitely on Eurosport.

                  Well online anyway. As that's where I'm watching.

              4. ash and swanson inc
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                good news for bet365 is you only need to keep in a penny, i always leave 1 in for watching games if not gambling

          • Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 1 month ago

            what a goal

            1. Eytexi
              • 6 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Sensational stuff - hopefully Zinck can grab one for himself now.

          • Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 1 month ago


            1. Eytexi
              • 6 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Junker G, Hauge A gives me a tiny rise in both round (4.3k to 4.2k) & overall rank (696 to 689) despite having Zinckernagel (K). I'll take it, but expect a second half Zinck masterclass.

              1. Hotdogs for Tea
                • 9 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                need something from Saltnes - Hauge is killing me

          • Eytexi
            • 6 Years
            4 years, 1 month ago

            How has Junker missed that!? 4 yards out with most the goal to aim at but puts it off target.

            1. MTPockets
                4 years, 1 month ago

                A lot of hyperbole on this site but that really is missing a sitter

            2. Paul Psychic Octopus
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 13 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              I guess there are only three templates for a Bodo-Glimt Holy Trinity.

              A. Junker-Zinck-Hauge
              B. Junker-Zinck-Berg + cash
              C. Junker-Hauge-Berg + a bit more cash

              I suspect all the top teams have A.
              Freeing up funds by going B to get the likes of Eikrem not served me too well.

              1. Eytexi
                • 6 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                In my opinion, A is clearly a must at this point. Trying to run a differential strategy with B/G assets is just going to lose points (unless taking advantage of rotation or injury. I have Zinck, Hauge, Junker & 6.1m banked - haven't felt I'm short for budget so far this season, it's more an option of picking the right premiums each week. So different to FPL in the sense that the premium assets seem to be the differentials at the moment (e.g. Molde/RBK attackers).

              2. Sebinhooooo
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                I also think A is a must imo, the real differential in this is nailing the captain between the three

              3. FPL Bielsa
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Agree on A but the real difficulty is getting the captain right, I’m staying with Zinc rather than chopping and changing

              4. ash and swanson inc
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                A all the way for me; served me well. Just dropped wolff with a heavy heart but got hussain who is only few points off but now got borven up top i felt i had to after his heroics of last year

            3. Team Cruel
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Annoying as a Vålerenga fan, third 2-2 draw against a team we should be beating at home

            4. Ramboros
              • 13 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Trabzonspor just announced Trondsen and then pulled the tweet. I think he will play this GW and probably leave after.

              1. Ramboros
                • 13 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Hedenstad should fill in at LB until we get a replacement.

            5. ReindeerHotdog
              • 4 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Interesting game that.

              Borchgrevink nearly ended the game on two assists. Couldn't believe my eyes when neither of those crosses were slid in. That gamble almost worked. I am liking what I'm seeing. Annoying yellow card to get suspended as my plan was to double up with him and Nasberg for next GW.

              As it stands I've just brought Nasberg in as planned (can't seem to find another defender who offers good enough CS potential and the odd goal/assist in that price range).

              Really close to getting the team I want. But any potential price changes for Pellegrino or Velde and I'm priced out.

              HOlsen, Nasberg, Borchgrevink, Sormo, Daland
              Koomson, Zinck, Hauge, Velde*, Pellegrino*
              Fridjonsson, Junker, Ohi.

              That would leave me with nothing in the bank but I'd be confident in my fringe players to step up in the absence of either Pellegrino or Ohi.

              I'm trying to be a bit less reliant on Molde assets hence why I'm contemplating shifting Hussain in a couple of weeks.

              Anyone else have any kind of plan for the next few GWs before the mid-season break?

              1. Eytexi
                • 6 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                I really fancy a punt on Helland for the next few & have the money banked to go through with it. That said, I shifted Eikrem to Velde prior to GW13 & am looking at bringing in Hanche-Olsen, Borchgrevink, & Brann cover over the next couple of weeks. So yes, very similar.

                Will likely end up with Betten Hansen, Helland, Hustad & one of James, Ohi, Børven or Bamba rather than Nasberg, Koomson, Fridge & Ohi. Will watch to see how the managerial changes impact Brann (specifically Koomson & Bamba) & judge accordingly though.

                1. ReindeerHotdog
                  • 4 Years
                  4 years, 1 month ago

                  Adegbenro and Helland are two options I've thought about but I will probably leave that kind of transfer for a bit later on in the season. Even if Rosenborg are winning games there's no stand-out individual with a high ceiling.

                  Plus, they're selling Trondsen (their best player this season by far) so that's another creative outlet on the way out with no-one ready to fill his shoes.

              2. Onz
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Nice line up.
                I have no plans atm due to my poor showing so far this week and last GW. Not having Hauge is killing my OR when he does well.
                The plan prior to my depression setting in was simple, a Valerenga defender or two as they have a good points to price value atm to replace Valsvik and Kitolano ( high on the priority list due to their uncertain game time). I still want an RBK defender as fixtures are good so may go for Lund as a GK change, but that is a FT gone and the other viable defender options are high price.
                In midfield the only way for me to get Hauge is for Eikrem so that is on the cards as a sort of knee jerk. The Eikrem money will go along way to upgrades in defence.
                Borven can stay in the attack line up in a 442 formation with Berisha and then Fidjonsson.
                With the artificial turf and the tough schedule injuries and rotation will cause havoc to the best laid plans, so no I have real plans atm.

                1. Onz
                  • 7 Years
                  4 years, 1 month ago

                  Forgot to add - Also looking at Adegbenro as he will be making a comeback very soon.

                2. ReindeerHotdog
                  • 4 Years
                  4 years, 1 month ago

                  Depression is grim as hell. I'm in the same boat.

                  Fantasy football should definitely be a positive - keep that in mind. If it can be used to create some kind of routine then brilliant.

                  1. Onz
                    • 7 Years
                    4 years, 1 month ago

                    Fantasy football generally has its ups and downs ( just like life) and it does take up a fair bit of my time. I run a couple of side games on another forum, the FISO divisional championships and have taken on the FISO cup this season, so working on the spreadsheets and the code to get the data is keeping my mind busy on the days I am unable to work due to my aches and pains.
                    How the bones treating you atm? My friend is back on his feet after his spine fusion and doing well. If you want to chat by PM come over to FISO and message me. Oxford nz

              3. Paul Psychic Octopus
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 13 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                I played my wild card. Bones of plan were:
                - Remove all Molde assets
                - Triple-up on Rosenberg for next 4 weeks
                - Berisha vs. Aalesund
                - Roll 2 FTs
                - Shift to Bodo Template A. Sorry Mr 3 Baps Berg, cannot go without JP any longer.
                - Hope a viable sub-6.0m forward comes back into contention by then (Bringaker?)
                - Play 3-5-2 and rotate/punt one c.8.5m midfielder slot. (Midfield is where all the points are, obviously)

            6. ReindeerHotdog
              • 4 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              I'm struggling to move away from Zinckernagel/Hauge/Koomson in midfield.

              Main midfield options I'm looking at are Velde/Castro/Pellegrino/Hoff/Kaasa/Maigaard. Probably in that order.

              I think going ahead with that as my plan will suffice up until the break. It's all well and good planning ahead but yeah, things change and some times you do override a calculated plan for a 'kneejerk' transfer. I've certainly cost myself a good few places due to that but it's almost impossible to avoid happening.

              1. Onz
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Mine is Zickernangle, Berg, Koomson, Eikrem Sandberg atm
                Knee jerk Eikrem to Hauge and Sandberg to Adegbenro would be one move for me but only one FT and no cash itb. Pellegrino is another that may bite me but you can not have them all.Trying to hold onto a transfer this season is impossible for me this season.

              2. Hotdogs for Tea
                • 9 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Zinck, Saltnes, Koomson, Pelle, Zach
                Junker, any one playing Aalesund, (bench but starter Bringaker etc)

                Saltnes should become Hauge when I don’t have flags

              3. J ⚒ Gimme ur Mané
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Yea there really isn’t any reason to move away from those three.

                I have them with Pellegrino and I bought Sandberg this week.

                Can’t go wrong with anyone on your list.

                Bamba coming in for me this week barring injury.

            7. Team Cruel
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Molde's CL opponent will be drawn shortly. Will be one of:

              Flora Tallinn (EST)
              KÍ (FRO)
              Celje (SVN)
              KuPS (FIN)

              Should be a walk in the park regardless of who they get and they might even rest some of their key players there instead of in the league.

              1. Paul Psychic Octopus
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 13 Years
                4 years, 1 month ago

                Molde play Kups Kiopio.

            8. Mince n Tatties
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 11 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago


              25 Eirik Holmen Johansen
              3 Christoffer Aasbak
              4 Christophe Charles Steven Rene Psyche
              5 Dan Peter Stensøe Ulvestad KAPTEIN
              22 Bent Langåssve Sørmo
              8 Amidou Diop
              10 Liridon Kalludra
              23 Pål Erik Stensøe Ulvestad
              9 Amahl William D'Vaz Pellegrino
              13 Bendik Bye
              29 Pemi Moumbagna Faris

            9. Mince n Tatties
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 11 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago


              1 Jonas Deumeland KAPTEIN
              2 Jesper Norman Daland
              3 Vegard Amundsen Bergan
              6 Joackim Jørgensen
              22 Kristoffer Tønnessen
              27 Eirik Wichne
              8 Eman Markovic
              11 Eirik Wilberg Schulze
              16 Mikael Birk Giæver Ugland
              18 Isaac Twum
              7 Kevin Alexander Kabran

            10. Mince n Tatties
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 11 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago


              12 Robert Marcus Sandberg
              3 Yaw Eystein Ihle Amankwah
              5 Mats Goberg Solheim
              16 Andreas Schjølberg Hanche-Olsen KAPTEIN
              30 Peder Vogt
              8 Emil Bohinen
              25 Hugo Vegard Vetlesen
              67 Tortel Lumanza Lembi
              11 Kornelius Normann Hansen
              20 Erik Botheim
              23 Oliver Valaker Edvardsen

            11. Mince n Tatties
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 11 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Odd Lineup

              1 Sondre Løvseth Rossbach
              2 Espen Ruud
              5 Birk Risa
              18 Odin Luraas Bjørtuft
              21 Steffen Hagen KAPTEIN
              6 Vebjørn Alvestad Hoff
              8 Markus André Kaasa
              16 Joshua Gaston Kitolano
              7 Kasper Lunding Jakobsen
              9 Mushaga Bakenga
              11 Elbasan Rashani

            12. Mince n Tatties
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 11 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Strømsgodset Lineup

              1 Viljar Røsholt Myhra
              5 Niklas Gunnarsson
              14 Look Saa Nicholas Kengkhetkid Mickelson
              26 Lars-Christopher Horst Jan Vilsvik
              70 Sondre Fosnæss Hanssen
              8 Johan Hove
              20 Mikkel Maigaard Jakobsen KAPTEIN
              42 Ipalibo Jack
              10 Moses Dramwi Mawa
              11 Kristoffer Tokstad
              88 Lars-Jørgen Salvesen

            13. Mince n Tatties
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 11 Years
              4 years, 1 month ago

              Aalesund Team

              25 Gudmund Broks Kongshavn
              3 Daniel Leo Gretarsson Schmidt
              4 Jonas Grønner
              5 Oddbjørn Lie KAPTEIN
              2 Shaquill Montell Sno
              11 Simen Bolkan Nordli
              19 Peter Orry Larsen
              20 Parfait Bizoza
              38 Isak Dybvik Määttä
              9 Niklas Fernando Nygaard Castro
              10 Holmbert Aron Briem