And then there were four.
England, Denmark, Italy and Spain are the remaining quartet of nations in this summer’s European Championship and will each be competing for a place in the tournament final in midweek.
Managers playing the official EURO 2020 Fantasy game get a fairly generous five free transfers to offload their Ukraine, Czech Republic, Belgium and Switzerland assets ahead of Tuesday’s deadline, which seems like a generous number given the dearth of real shocks in the quarter-finals.
FanTeam managers have to be a bit more savvy with their moves, as they are given only three free transfers.
To assist with those player ins and outs, you’ll find our team reveals, injury news round-up, captaincy advice and Scout Picks on this page.
This article will be refreshed on a daily basis ahead of the opening quarter-final between Italy and Spain, so keep checking back for more analysis.
And don’t forget – you can find official Opta player and team data for all competing EURO 2020 nations in our Premium Members Area.