
Interview – Matt Martyniak – FPL Winner

We start a summer of interviews at the very top, as we get one-on-one time with the new Fantasy Premier League (FPL) champion and Scout League winner, Matt Martyniak.

In an extraordinarily candid interview, we find out how Matt spent the final day on a pilgrimage on foreign shores, far away from the noise and bluster of the Premier League, only to find that, while he dedicated his time to others, his Fantasy squad was doing the business back home.

Thanks for Matt for taking time out to answer our questions.

Can you describe your emotions on the final day, with so many FPL managers in with a chance of winning and your eventual victory being decided by such a slender margin and on bonus points?

I had amazing emotions on the final Sunday from start to finish. It was so special to me not just in the world of FPL, but in the world outside of Fantasy football. I was away on a pilgrimage (not a holiday) with Church in Medjugorje, which is a beautiful village in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I woke at 5:30 am local time (they are one hour ahead of the UK) and we climbed to the top of Cross Mountain. At the summit, I found a quite spot to pray, although not to win FPL, of course. After prayer, I immediately realised that I needed to make my final decisions there and then as I wouldn’t have time later in the morning due to descending the mountain (which was tricky at best) and getting ready to attend midday Mass.

Strangely enough, at the top of the mountain, my mind was very clear: it was an easy and quick decision to go with my final team. Marouane Fellaini to Philippe Coutinho was the transfer that came to me, and then I just trusted in the players I already had to hopefully do the job.

I was completely oblivious to anything to do with FPL during the afternoon on the Sunday. I completely switched off for the whole afternoon as I was attending a charity funded rehabilitation unit where young people gave testimonies on how they turned their lives around from drug addcition, to become better people through prayer and hard work in their community. During this time, I didn’t know any of my rivals teams and tactics, I didn’t know the line-ups, and I didn’t even know what was happening during the matches: a stark contrast to what I had been used to for the previous 37 Gameweeks. However, I was completely relaxed and at peace the whole day. It was only when I got back to the hotel at 5.30 UK time that evening that my mind turned to the FPL. I found a free wi-fi spot and immediately used my phone to see what was happening. I was very nervous and was actually physically shaking as I logged on to FISO, FFS and FPL. Once logged on, I still didn’t really know what was happening apart from that someone sitting provisional at the top of the league had captained Javier Hernandez. I couldn’t quite believe that a rival had given Hernandez the armband on the final GW: it was almost a masterstroke.

Then I saw on my “support spiderm4tt thread” on FISO, and also info in the FFS Dugout discussion, that the final standings may come down to bonus points.

I was in agony during this time and I’d arranged to go out at 8pm local time to the Church again for more prayers. I really struggled to concentrate in Church during this time, but I somehow managed it. I went to a café bar for a drink after around 10pm and found a free wi-fi spot again, but I couldn’t log on which was just torture. After quite a few attempts trying to connect and resetting my phone, I eventually connected and browsed the sites. I still didn’t know the final outcome but I saw the bonus point predictions (thank you Bap Chap for your work this season, much appreciated, especially on the final day). It was then that I realised I may have won it.

I relaxed and smiled at my family and friends for the first time that evening as they didn’t really know what I was doing, or going through. It was extremely difficult to hide my feelings, which had been on a roller-coaster for hours, that evening.

It was only later, when I got back to my hoteI that I checked my phone again saw it confirmed that I was FPL Champion. I was overjoyed to win it, but relieved at the same time that it was all over. It was the perfect end to a great season for me: I feel so blessed. I couldn’t sleep properly that night, but I was happily brought firmly back to reality the next day by a day of prayers and another visit to a rehabilitation unit, which was another amazing experience.

What does the victory mean for you after seven years of playing the FPL game?

It means a lot to me. FPL has been easily my favourite Fantasy football game ever since I first played it seven years ago. The victory still hasn’t really sunk in yet though. It will probably mean more to me as time goes on, especially when I’m struggling, in future seasons, to break the top 10,000.

You have had variable success over your seven seasons of FPL but with one top 1,000 finish already you clearly know what you are doing. What did you do differently this season to reach the top?

I reverted back to the tactics of the first two seasons I played, which was to go “all out” on a powerful front seven or eight, whilst spending minimal outlay on a back three and keeper. I think in those early FPL days when I had a top 1000 and 5000 finish, I remember playing two or three very cheap enablers all season. It was only towards the end of this season that I spent more on the back three as I looked to shore up my defence for the run-in. Also, this season, I spent a lot more time researching and picking my team. Each decision was reasoned carefully before each Gameweek deadline, using all the resources possible. My research only increased once I broke into the top 20.

While my tactics and decisions were heavily thought out, I had a great deal of good luck to go with it, which helps. Even the best Premier League football managers need luck on their side.

What is your strategy and what key pieces of advice for playing the FPL game would you give to our community (eg keep points hits to a minimum/ or form versus fixtures)

I just kept it simple and played to get as many points as I possibly could in the very next Gameweek. I didn’t think too far ahead as FPL, like real football and life in general, is dynamic, not static: things change daily, not just over the Gameweek weekend. In fact I decided to play and base my tactics in blocks of three Gameweeks. It was completely my own strategy from the start and I stuck with this until the final weekend, where it was then a one off Gameweek decider. In other words, my team was always set up to its near maximum potential for the next Gameweek, with the following two Gameweeks in mind. I only looked ahead when there were double Gameweeks to consider, for obvious reasons. Also, for me, there was no such thing as a “season keeper” or a “template midfield”: I found that this can cause me to be too static or rigid with my strategies. Personally, I consider it to be very difficult to pick or predict who will be fit or in form beyond the next one to three Gameweeks.

I also decided not to “chase the points” after a poor, average or good FPL player brought in a surprise haul. In the main, the likelihood of them doing this again in the following week, or weeks is often very low. For me, only exceptional players like Gareth Bale, Robin Van Persie, Luis Suarez, Juan Mata and Eden Hazard, and possibly Theo Walcott, are likely to get back-to-back hauls due to their individual class, form, position on the field and set pieces duties.

Another of my key strategies was not to waste hard-earned points on transfer hits. This is a tricky one, as a good hit can work out very well. However, if I wanted a player, I tried to work them into my team via the free transfer route within the next one to three Gameweeks.

My strategy also was to pick the most likely players to get me the most points each Gameweek, irrespective of the fixtures. I prefer to select players with class and quality, who are definite starters, play in advanced positions and are on set-pieces or penalties. I always prefer “form over fixtures”, as it’s been proven this season that players like Van Persie, Bale, Suarez, Mata, Hazard, Michu, Rickie Lambert and Leighton Baines can score points regardless who they face. To me, these players are ‘fixture proof’.

In addition, it’s been seen many times that lesser teams can hold out against the odds, like Reading at Man United, or QPR away at Liverpool. So form over fixtures, where possible, was the way for me to go throughout the campaign.

I was also mindful not to “knee jerk” and get rid of the quality players, even if they had a run of poor returns. I believed in the players I picked and I had to trust in them even after a run of poor returns. Bale, Van Persie, Lambert, Michu, Mata and Suarez all had barren spells but not all your players can possible score well every Gameweek. I knew that class players are always in the mix when their teams are attacking and that, in all probability, they would come good again.

Also, if possible, I tried not to make any transfers before the latest team news, which is usually 24-48 hours before the Gameweek deadline.I wasn’t concerned about about price rises, or price drops unless it affected my three Gameweek transfer plan. Transferring a player in or out prior to team news just to make or save 0.1 or 0.2 in cash or team value is, in my opinion, not the best strategy as players can get injured right up to the deadline. When you’re on a wildcard, it’s different; then it’s beneficial to jump on the price rises to increase your team value. My team value wasn’t that high by the end of the season, but I still had most of players I wanted throughout the campaign.

Finally, perhaps my most important strategy was to make my own final decision and stick with it.

How important are stats and research, such as those available through Fantasy Football Scout, to your game? Do you base decisions largely on such research or by watching games and going with a gut feeling?

I did lots and lots of research, not just statistics, but opinions from individual sites such as FISO as well as FFS. I also looked regularly at fan forums: I liked to get a feel of what the local fans were saying about players and what was the “bib theory” for that Gameweek. I also watched as many games possible. All this, along with the added gut feeling, helped me to make an overall decision based on sound reasoning prior to each deadline.

I didn’t have access to all your stats as I only discovered FFS towards the latter part of the season and I am not a full member. Visiting your site on a daily basis helped me towards the run in and I’m sure, if I had the FFS stats available from the beginning, it would have only helped me even more. I can see how becoming a full member of FFS would be valuable to any Fantasy football manager wanting to improve their overall ranking, or wanting to win their mini-league.

What were you most difficult decisions this year?

Keeping Van Persie during his barren spell and also when United had Norwich at home. There was lots of talk in forums that he may be injured and/or would not be risked for the Madrid game the following midweek; also, United had a blank fixture to follow. I would have struggled to buy Van Persie back if I had got rid of him before the Norwich game and I almost made that mistake. If I had got rid then, in all likelihood, I wouldn’t have had his valuable captain points during the Gameweek 33 double and the matches that followed – including the final day.

Also buying Gervinho was an extremely difficult decision. It wasn’t planned. Like I said earlier, FPL is “dynamic not static” and this was most evident by Bale getting injured in a Thursday night Europa League game, less than 48 hours before the Gameweek deadline. I had two free transfers available and I was planning on using just one, allowing me two for the double Gameweek 33, but Bale’s injury changed things: he looked as though he’d be out for weeks so he had to go.

I really wanted Baines for Gameweek 33 in order to keep him for the remainder of the season. My defence was already rocking: Ian Harte was dropped, Luke Shaw picked up a knock, Guy Demel was out of favour. Bale getting injured helped me use one of my two free transfers to trade Harte to Baines, which worked out very well. But that left me with around 6.8 or 6.9 left to spend in midfield. I wanted a double Gameweek player and, with Walcott injured on international duty and looking doubtful, I felt that Gervinho would provide a nice differential.

He actually did well for me in the initial Gameweek 32 and got me seven precious points. As I expected, he started the first of the double Gameweek fixtures against Norwich and I remember watching him round Mark Bunn, only to fail to score in an open net. Norwich then scored at the other end and Gervinho was hauled off for Walcott; he never really got a look in from that point on.

The next difficult decision was not selling Gervinho for the final Gameweeks. I didn’t want to waste a transfer or take an unnecessary points hit just to get rid with just a few Gameweeks to go. In the end, that worked out for the best.

What is your captain strategy? Who did you captain the most?

I feel that I played it safe throughout the whole season. I just stuck to captaining the best players such as Van Persie, Bale, Suarez, Mata, Hazard and Michu. Even if they only got a few points, it often didn’t matter too much as everyone else around me tended to captain the same players each week. Also, I feared that if I chose a differential captain, I could get left behind if the big players then gained hauls. This strategy worked out and it’s what made me captain Bale over Coutinho or Lambert in the final week: I just stuck to captaining the big guns right to the very end.

What prize will you claim? And who will you be taking?

I would like to choose the Barclays Asia Trophy in Hong Kong. Though I would rather send one of my best friends and his daughter, if possible. They are both from Manchester and are passionate Man City supporters. I only found out recently that this was the winner’s prize and also that Man City are competing in the tournament. On the very same day I got these details on the prize, I also found out that his mother had cancer.

Though obviously I would be happy to go, seeing my best friend and his daughter watch their beloved team in Hong Kong would make me, and more importantly them, happier. If this is not possible with the Premier League then, of course, I will happily go with my friend.

Will you play again next season, or give up as it can only be downhill from here?

Yes it will surley be downhill from here! I’m a very optimistic person in life, but even I doubt I will win it again, especially back-to-back titles. If I was to play next season, I would take a top 5000 or 10,000 finish right now.

At this very moment, I’m not ready to go again next season. At the moment I’m just glad it’s all over. A few months back I was thinking that I won’t be playing this again next season. It was draining as FPL became the focus of my life and it distracted me from my daily things. It was very hard to switch off. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the whole challenge and experience despite this, so I most probably will be back to defend my title next season.

Any final thoughts or shout-outs?
I would like to congratulate Kelvin, Julian and Evs for the great season they had. It was a great challenge to the very end.

I would just like to thank all the people on FFS and FISO for your help and support. And last but not least, I’d like to thank the Barclays FPL for having such a great Fantasy football game.

J0E Podcaster and writer. Tweets stats and stuff via @FFScout_Joe Follow them on Twitter

682 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Ranieri's Ghost
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Congrats on winning the title Matt (if you happen to be reading).
    Appreciate the shout out...and donating the prize is incredibly big of you - hope it provides some comfort to your friends at a tough time.

    Open Controls
    1. Willis.
      • 12 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      ^obviously bitter about not winning

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  2. Willis.
    • 12 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Matt seems like a top lad. It's a shame that there aren't more people like him and I in the world.

    Open Controls
    1. Ryan
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      If you won FPL would you give away your prize?

      Open Controls
    2. NABIL - FPL otai
      • 12 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      perhaps you should conduct a seminar about it.. 😉

      Open Controls
      1. tw
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago


        still waiting on Acqua's fpl seminar on how to be elite 😆

        Open Controls
        1. NABIL - FPL otai
          • 12 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          yep, that thing crossed my mind too. may they can JV the whole thing 😆

          Open Controls
          1. tw
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            what do you mean JV the whole thing? 😕

            Open Controls
            1. NABIL - FPL otai
              • 12 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              i mean joint-venture or co-organize both seminars. 😛

              Open Controls
              1. tw
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                Ahh 😀

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    3. CelticBhoy
      • 12 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Well done Matt! What a great place to win the league. I have spent many a happy day in Medjugorje too. I have tended towards the cheap defenders route too. I reckon I must simply select them more wisely. Congratulations again!

      Open Controls
      1. spiderm4tt
        • 11 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        Thanks, yes it's amazing Medjugorje isn't it, It's Heaven on Earth...hope to go their back soon! 🙂

        Yes with the main points coming from attacking players, and with clean sheets a rarity last season, it made sense to go the cheap defender route proving you pick the right ones.

        Open Controls
        1. spiderm4tt
          • 11 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago


          Open Controls
  3. tw
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Hey Ryan and No Association you guys should consider participating in the transfer window game we've got starting soon

    Open Controls
    1. Ryan
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      I've been considering it.

      Open Controls
      1. NABIL - FPL otai
        • 12 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        +1 ..only negative is i'm not sure i can give full commitment to it (as it's a team game and i don't want to create issues or become the passive partner).

        Open Controls
        1. Ryan
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • Has Moderation Rights
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          Yeah I'm thinking the same thing. I'll be too half hearted because I want a break as well.

          Open Controls
        2. tw
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          thing is it's not a partner thing. minimum of 3 per team but hopefully people will include a lot more than that as there's no maximum. might as well put your name down and see where it goes from there :).

          and you're a good lad so I think you'll manage just fine, don't see you as the trouble maker type *cough* Kaz *cough*

          Open Controls
          1. NABIL - FPL otai
            • 12 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            haha. interesting comp, tbh. just not that familiar with bidding system as i'm just a conventional FPL and CM (pre-FM) player. if i'm putting my name down, it's got to be for the Scout post only.

            😆 i''d like to avoid another drama like hvt/b2bb breakdown or soap opera tbh with you!

            Open Controls
  4. NABIL - FPL otai
    • 12 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    "When I was at Juventus, we were super favourites, more than favourites, to win - and we lost to Dortmund (in the 1997 Champions League Final). It just went to show anything can happen. I think there will be a one-goal difference between the teams, in favour of Bayern." - Zinedine Zidane

    😯 man, people should really start listening to this guy more. Especially Bale 😉

    Open Controls
    1. tw
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago


      Open Controls
    2. Poseidon. Not arrogant, jus…
      • 11 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Doesn't he contradict himself a little there? To me, this is 'In 1997 no-one thought Dortmund had any chance. But they won. Now, no-one think Dortmund have a chance. Bayern to win for me.'

      Agree on Bale. He should sod off to Spain.

      Open Controls
      1. tw
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        Disagree about bale. Why do you want him to leave?

        Open Controls
        1. Poseidon. Not arrogant, jus…
          • 11 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          Because he's very good and I'm a Gooner.

          Open Controls
          1. NABIL - FPL otai
            • 12 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            +1 😀

            Open Controls
      2. NABIL - FPL otai
        • 12 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        in the full article, he only insisted that Bayern Munich are the favourites heading into this season's final. But based on his personal experience, i think he'd like to mention that anything can happen in a final.

        Open Controls
  5. Gaz Downright
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 14 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    @TW so what's this transfer craic then?

    Open Controls
    1. tw
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Details in my link

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  6. tw
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    fecking ref 🙁

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    1. nedfoo
      • 14 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      The irony in a Barca supporter saying that 😉

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      1. tw
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        Yeah yeah....

        Refs like to call BS penalties for the galaxy against the Sounders 🙁

        Open Controls
        1. da Beeeez
          • 15 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          just home from the game. sorry, but even if you disagree with that call, you can't blame this one on the ref. 😉

          i do give credit to the Sounders fans. they brought it for the full 90.

          Open Controls
          1. tw
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            you're right. it was an awful call though and put the game out of reach. and there were some other calls the ref made I disagreed with but we still played poorly. and I didn't agree with Sigi's lineup tbh

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            1. da Beeeez
              • 15 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              i only saw it live and haven't seen the replays so i'm going to refrain from comment.

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              1. tw
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                fair enough.

                second penalty was a good call but the first was just terrible. Traore got all ball with a brilliant challenge

                Open Controls
                1. da Beeeez
                  • 15 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  i want to watch the replay. i was sitting right there, and he may have gotten the ball first, but that's different from "all ball" and it looked pretty ugly. (as for the second, a decent argument to be made that it should have been accompanied by a red card, but i recognize that you and i were watching this with different colored glasses).

                  Open Controls
              2. tw
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago


                watch from 2:55 to 3:40

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                1. da Beeeez
                  • 15 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  i see him wiping him out from behind with the scissoring second leg, with best shot of it at 3:38. i'll give you the front leg probably got ball first and that this isn't always called (particularly in the area), but i can't agree that it's a terrible call and i certainly don't think that's a brilliant challenge.

                  Open Controls
          2. tw
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            and that's the reason we're hosting a wc qualifier :D.

            Open Controls
            1. da Beeeez
              • 15 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              and deservedly so. really wish it was a weekend qualifier game as i'd love to come up for it.

              Open Controls
              1. tw
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                remind me what day it is? I should know this as i'm going :D.

                you should try to come up anyways 🙂

                Open Controls
                1. da Beeeez
                  • 15 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  i believe it's tuesday, june 11

                  unfortunately, i don't think i can get away from work midweek, but if i do, it will be for the game in salt lake the following tuesday.

                  Open Controls
  7. Acquafresca
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    TW, any reason Neagle didn't start tonight?

    What happened to your coach not dropping him 😕

    Open Controls
    1. tw
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      His squad selection baffled me...

      EJ will be gone for the next two though

      Open Controls
      1. Acquafresca
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        Alright good. I've just brought in and captained Neagle for next week 😆

        Open Controls
        1. tw
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          good option but not sure i'd captain him... just cuz it's hard to know what to expect in terms of the lineup cuz we're without EJ and Evans and now Joseph is suspended and alonso could still be out injured but could be rushed back.

          could be an inspired gamble though

          Open Controls
          1. Acquafresca
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            Meh. Not many options for next week and Chivas are terrible.

            Open Controls
            1. tw
              • 13 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              fair enough. if you're banking on a route of chivas you could also take a hit (only 2pts right?) to get martins. we'll be looking to bounce back from that humiliating loss tonight

              btw, have you decided if you'll participate in the transfer game?

              Open Controls
              1. Acquafresca
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                Not sure yet. Will I need to constantly check the market or will it be a once-a-week type of thing?

                Open Controls
                1. tw
                  • 13 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  bids are due once a week and at the same time you have to submit your targets for the next week.

                  remember it's a team event though so you can split the responsibilities. and there's no max number of players per team so you could have as large a team as you want and split up the responsibilities between each other all depends how you want to run things as an owner

                  Open Controls
                  1. Acquafresca
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    I'll probably pass then. Not too fond of team comps and it looks way too complicated. Lol.

                    Open Controls
                  2. tw
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    really? why's that? most people have said they've really enjoyed the team comps.

                    yeah everyone's said that. but once you figure it out it's not too complicated. and with isacki's interface it'll make things easier

                    plus this is a great way to improve your eliteness to everyone 😉

                    Open Controls
          2. Acquafresca
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            Actually I may pick up and captain Magee, just traded to Chicago.

            Open Controls
            1. tw
              • 13 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              not sure how he'll fit in but that could be another good option

              Open Controls
            2. tw
              • 13 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              just remember you probably wanna be thinking about the game after that too

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              1. Acquafresca
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                Ya Magee has 3 home fixtures, and Zusi's gone for internationals.

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                1. tw
                  • 13 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  good option too then.

                  btw who are your strikers?

                  Open Controls
                  1. Acquafresca
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    Atm they are McInerney, Brown and Fagundez.

                    No money/space for Martins unfortunately. Plus expensive strikers not really worth it unless they're bonus magnets like Higuain (remember bonus work differently for FMLS)

                    Open Controls
                  2. tw
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    gotcha. keane would've been worth it today :(.

                    Open Controls
                  3. Acquafresca
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    Ya but he's leaving for internationals after today, and didn't expect a first half hattrick vs you guys. 6 games unbeaten then absolutely annihilated.

                    Open Controls
                  4. tw
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    yeah just thought maybe you would've had him from before but I guess he'd hardly scored before tonight. but yeah not too many good reasons to have him like you said.

                    tbf one of his penalties wasn't deserved. and yeah we were in good form.

                    thing is when we play the galaxy it's extremely hard to predict, either it's close, they crush us or we crush them (we beat them 4-0 last summer)

                    Open Controls
                2. da Beeeez
                  • 15 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  i'm as big a fan of Magee as they come and really feel that the Galaxy gave up too much, but i also think that Magee on the Galaxy is a lot better than Magee on the Fire. he's got a great game-IQ, which allows him to get into good positions and being on a team where he wasn't the star made him even more effective. it's far from clear how he'll do in the bigger role that he is forced into with the Fire. i'll be happy for him if he succeeds, but i'm going to wait and see.

                  my Galaxy bias shining through says that Zusi to Donovan is an obvious move with Donovan not getting called into for the nats, particularly with Donovan presumably back on PKs while Keane is away.

                  Open Controls
                  1. Acquafresca
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    I already own Donovan. I'm only tempted by Magee due to fixtures.. 3 home matches in a row and probably on PKs now.

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                  2. da Beeeez
                    • 15 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    but they're still Chicago... other than that NY game (which can't be logically explained) they've shown nothing all season...

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                  3. Acquafresca
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    Still, not many better options with lots of blanks coming up for many teams. Gotta play the fixtures and Chicago's schedule looks easier than most.

                    Open Controls
                  4. da Beeeez
                    • 15 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    the next month is definitely going to be a tricky time with so many people missing. i haven't spent any time focusing on it yet, but i want to look at the players who are going to be gone and who are the ones who are going to get the chance to step up in their absence. it didn't pay off for me tonight, but someone like Zardes who has looked strong and is only going to get more playing time with Keane gone is a good example. need to identify who those guys are going to be for the strong teams.

                    Open Controls
  8. Konig Luther
    • 11 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    should i change ryan johnson and Wondolowski, or just one of them?

    Open Controls
    1. Acquafresca
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Depends if you need to make any other alterations to your team.

      Wondo has a game, Johnson doesn't.. so he's first priority to go.

      Open Controls
      1. Konig Luther
        • 11 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        probably also need a change Zusy or Wallace, but i have 3 FT

        Open Controls
  9. DonTheSpecialOne
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago


    Open Controls
    1. Joga Bonito®
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Good morning, the sun is shining and there's a new game to get us through the summer, you getting involved with the transfer game?

      Open Controls
      1. DonTheSpecialOne
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        The sun isn't shining in Oslo today, unfortunately it's quite rainy. I haven't really got the time to check it out yet, I read the rules pretty quick last night, without really understanding what it was. Will check it out later 🙂 Are you playing mate?

        Open Controls
        1. Joga Bonito®
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          Yea mate, I'm trying to be an owner, I've thought up what I believe is a good strategy and have my eyes on a few players. ElNino was bigging it up yesterday and it sounds great.

          Open Controls
          1. DonTheSpecialOne
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 14 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            Cool. Gonna have to read up on the rules later, to see what it's all about. Didn't really get the it when I read it quick last night.

            Open Controls
            1. Joga Bonito®
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 13 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              Basically it's almost like a mass blind auction with 20 teams and al of the players in the world, with the aim to out bid your opponents for players with the highest value or people you believe you will have gone unnoticed by other players that will increase in price substantially over the summer.

              Open Controls
            2. tw
              • 13 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              good good. just make sure you submit an application here

              Open Controls
              1. Joga Bonito®
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                I've done it yesterday. Elnino said that Liverpool was really popular and asked for other teams I'd like to own. I honestly don't care what team, I just want to win 😉 may be a little team, everybody likes an underdog.

                Open Controls
              2. DonTheSpecialOne
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 14 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                Sounds fun. Will check it out after work 🙂

                Open Controls
  10. SuperOsçarBaby
    • 12 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Miami win, woohoo

    Open Controls
  11. Joga Bonito®
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    This transfer game reminds me of those competition where you have to guess the lowest individual price in pennies to win the prize.

    I like it.

    Open Controls
    1. tw
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago


      Open Controls
    2. Elniñorules
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      What does Joga Bonito mean btw? One of my mates is in a ML called JB too

      Open Controls
  12. HVT
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Tw ?

    Open Controls
    1. tw
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      yeah what's up?

      Open Controls
      1. HVT
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        Morning mate I've been looking over your transfer game and I have a few q's - is it ok on here ?

        Open Controls
        1. tw
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          morning. how's it going?

          yeah sure

          Open Controls
          1. HVT
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            Before i start may i saygreat work and well done and im mot knocking in any shape or form .

            How many do you feel you need to successfully run this comp , ie how many people per team ?
            How many people have you ?
            It seems a lot of work for owners/chairman/chief scout - this is what worries me I feel they have to be involved a lot and annual leave will come into play I feel This is the biggest issue of this game - Time and you may see it being run by one person in the end
            I'm not greeting your market value of players - I see messi etc in there at 120,000 - is that like 12 tokens kinds thing ?

            Open Controls
            1. Joga Bonito®
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 13 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              He could be 1 token if nobody else bids for him. You have to be savvy and put as many tokens as you believe to be enough to win him against the other owners bids.

              Open Controls
              1. HVT
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                get ya , so will there be like 20(teams) by 15(your squad) = 300 players in total in the pot ?

                Open Controls
                1. Joga Bonito®
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 13 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  Yea. I like that the bidding is blind. You could end up bidding 50 tokens on a player when the next highest only bid 15, you've still spent 50 tokens on one player.

                  Open Controls
                2. Elniñorules
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 13 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  Hi HVT

                  It's 3 per team as a minimum including the owner. We'll be announcing 20 owners by Friday latest, then they pick the team members. I know it seems a lot, but in essence its a team game, where every one can chip in each week. That's why you there's no limit on the number of people in a team. Each club can also recruiting throughout the game. The role of an owner is essentially to get the team together and then the team takes it from there. If you feel you're interested to be an owner and are away for a while, you could easily delegate it to others (just like ICC).

                  Think of it in FPL terms. Tokens are your bank balance. 15 players. 1 captain. Market value is how your players score FPL points and make you win. Tokens are what you use for buying/selling players.

                  Hope that helps? 🙂

                  Open Controls
                  1. HVT
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    It does thanks - what dictates market value ?

                    Open Controls
                3. tw
                  • 13 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  any player in the world (assuming they show up on that site) is in the pot to possibly be bid on. bids only happen on players identified as transfer targets by the teams at the end of each week.

                  Open Controls
            2. tw
              • 13 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              i think it really depends on the people and how you want to organize it and how much time you want to put into it. i can see a team of 3 people being successful and i can see a team of 10+ being successful. it all depends how responsibility is divided up and how decisions are made and this is in large part based on what the owner decides. and this can take as much or as little time as you want it to take. you could literally spend 5 min a week sending in your targets and your bids or you could scout, strategize and have discussion with your team on how to proceed or somewhere in between.

              and if the owner has a good set of teammates they can put someone else in charge if they're gone for a week or two. bit like the ICC when I was in Uruguay and so I helped as much as I could but ultimately left it up to Berbilly, GB, and Declan to make the decisions while I was gone.

              ok there's two separate things, tokes and value. so you have 100 tokens to use how you please to create the team with the highest value (messi's value is 120,000). so say you identify messi as one of your targets then he is on the bid list for that week and everyone can bid for him. you could win him with a 1 token bid (though very unlikely) or it might take a 60token bid to win him, it all depends on how much everyone else bids. but you've only got 100 tokens to fill your whole squad. it's a bit like the bidding game for the euros last year if you participated in that

              make sense? any other questions?

              Open Controls
              1. Joga Bonito®
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                Yesterday there were people questioning the decision of having captains due to Messi and Ronaldo being such high value. What's your opinion?

                Open Controls
                1. tw
                  • 13 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  make a fresh comment about this below to discuss this plz and i'll answer there

                  Open Controls
              2. HVT
                • 13 Years
                11 years, 4 months ago

                Thanks Tw and Elinor - getting clearer new , I haven't played anything like this before tbh ,
                Does the owner have to build his management team as such ? Or are the council trying to form a team of 3 initially persay for Man United and they take it from there ?

                Open Controls
                1. tw
                  • 13 Years
                  11 years, 4 months ago

                  don't think anyone has :).

                  yeah the owner picks the rest of his squad. we'll supply the owners with a spreadsheet showing all the applicants, their emails and their club and role preferences and the owners can work from there

                  Open Controls
                  1. HVT
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    Understood , each team submits 5 targets each week so , and persay Gk position 20 by 5 = 100 gk in the pot (can overlaps occur ? )
                    Do you bid on all 100 ? As I take it all teams have to leave that round with 2 gks ?

                    Open Controls
                  2. tw
                    • 13 Years
                    11 years, 4 months ago

                    there can be overlaps. you can bid on as many as you want but remember you can only have 2 max.

                    not quite as there's multiple gk rounds and also you can trade for a gk during the transfer round.

                    Open Controls
        2. tw
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          or email me. either is fine

          Open Controls
          1. HVT
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            I think your better off to post here as you find your answering other people q's anyway and it generates interest IMO.

            Open Controls
  13. Wild Rover
    • 14 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    The Guinness International Champions Cup announced the final four teams which will take part in the U.S.-based summer tournament. AC Milan, Chelsea, Everton and Valencia join the previously-announced Inter, LA Galaxy, Juventus and Real Madrid.

    LA are in for such a humiliation... (unless Juve have been got at) 😉

    Open Controls
    1. tw
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago


      think they could sneak a win vs everton or valencia though?

      Open Controls
      1. tw
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        oh nvm not valencia, forgot that they're in 4th right now

        Open Controls
      2. Open Controls
    2. Joga Bonito®
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Where are all of the big teams doing their pre seasons this summer 🙂

      Open Controls
  14. Nomar
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Interesting comments from the FPL winner.

    I like his point about sticking with proven performers even through bad games. Keeping hold of RVP ended up winning me my works mini league whilst my rival sold him for Rooney and Suarez.

    Good points too about cheap back line and spending up top which is where the main points come from. I think that was the strategy from Reeson a few years back when he won the whole thing too.

    Of course, a good start is absolutely vital if you are going to have a shot of winning FPL. I reckon if you are not in the top 1000 by GW6 you can forget it.

    Open Controls
    1. Joga Bonito®
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      It's a really good interview isn't it.

      What I found most interesting was only looking 3 GW's in advance unless for DGW's. This season I think I've planned too far ahead based on fixtures and missed out on players because I was too put off by their future fixtures.

      Open Controls
    2. HVT
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Yea seems top bloke and tbh I'm on a similar strategy ,
      Agree totally with your good start - I've already decided to take a few more hits to get firm players in rather than waiting for free transfers as I feel I lingered around thre 500k mark way to long early in season - I should have been more aggressive.

      Open Controls
      1. Joga Bonito®
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        Good start is essential isn't it. I used my Wild card GW2 this year and everybody was ripping me, so glad I did now though.

        Open Controls
        1. HVT
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          Used mine gw 33 and went from 4k to 2k - you ?

          Open Controls
          1. Joga Bonito®
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            2 and 22. I had a horrible GW1 and didn't want to lose value early on so GW2 WC was more about gaining value and getting rid of dead wood. I made a mistake on getting Sinclair, thinking he would stay with Swans and another couple of gambles backfired.

            GW 22 helped me get in the top 20k.

            Open Controls
      2. Doosra - ☭DeclanMyGenius…
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        This is what I did, to plan, this Season. I intend to repeat it.

        I also run three week plans.

        Open Controls
    3. Wild Rover
      • 14 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      The winner was nowhere near the top 1000 by gw6 😛

      Open Controls
      1. Doosra - ☭DeclanMyGenius…
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        One doesn't need to be.

        Open Controls
        1. Wild Rover
          • 14 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          Read Nomars op....

          Open Controls
          1. Doosra - ☭DeclanMyGenius…
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 14 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            OK. Linky? 🙂

            Open Controls
            1. Wild Rover
              • 14 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              Lol.. I was replying to it! 😀

              Open Controls
      2. Wild Rover
        • 14 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        In fact only 2 of the top 10 finishers were inside the top 1000 after gw6, some were outside the top 10K and at least one outside the top 50K so there is always hope 🙂

        Open Controls
    4. Parm
      • 12 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      I think i'll begin with a very cheap backline this year, clean sheets are scarce at the beginning of the season, then when my team value picks up i'll begin to invest in the big sides(UNited, Citeh, Chelski).

      Open Controls
      1. Wild Rover
        • 14 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        The trouble with good cheap defs they are hard to spot before the season starts.. Maybe better off starting with decent defs and downgrading them as the bargains become clear?

        Open Controls
        1. Parm
          • 12 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          Maybe, although that'll depend on whether the big hitters are worth it or not, and the fixtures on offer, i'll probably start with at least one defender from the big sides.

          Open Controls
        2. tw
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          no cuz you want to maximize the budget you have on atackers, especially considering how some of the top assets will be very expensive this year

          Open Controls
          1. Wild Rover
            • 14 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            Yes but it doesn't have to be done in gw1... what if your cheap def picks turn out to be duds as often happens when new signings are made?

            Open Controls
            1. Parm
              • 12 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              Leave them to rot until you have a free transfer spare? 😉

              Open Controls
  15. TorresMagic™
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 15 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Same page for over 6 hours. 🙂

    Open Controls
    1. The Light Knight
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago


      Open Controls
      1. Elniñorules
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago


        Open Controls
  16. Joga Bonito®
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago


    Yesterday there were people questioning the decision of having captains due to Messi and Ronaldo being such high value. What’s your opinions please?

    Open Controls
    1. Elniñorules
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      I think there are two schools of thought

      1) The market values of captained Messi/Ronaldo is pretty high as compared to the others. So teams who win Messi/Ronaldo are going to have an advantage.

      2) Even if they win them, they're going to go at a very very high bid (i hope), meaning they will have an unbalanced squad. They might have an advantage in the early rounds but will fail to get the other big guns in the later rounds. Ginkapo did a research yesterday that this could be done

      It was a split when we discussed this yesterday.

      So far, Mac/yourself are in 1). Gink/Count/Declan/myself belong to 2)

      Open Controls
        1. Joga Bonito®
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          I think Gink and I disagree on strategy for this game too. I suppose that's what makes it fun. With it being the first ever time of trying I'm sure there will be varying tactics.

          Open Controls
          1. Elniñorules
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            Hehe different strategies...should make it very interesting 😉

            I'm still waiting for the ultimate decision maker, Isacki to give his verdict on this. He's developing the interface after all, so will let him take the call. 🙂

            Open Controls
        2. tw
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          what is the next highest value after messi and ronaldo?

          Open Controls
          1. HVT
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            Repost from Ginkapo :
            Messi = £105M
            Ronaldo = £88M
            Iniesta = £61.5M
            Rooney =£57M
            Falcoa = £53M (and likely to rise)
            Fabregas = £48.5M
            Cavani = £48.5M (and likely to rise)

            These are the highest valued players at the current time. Now firstly, it is not inconceivable that Falcoa and Cavani could put in a decent challenge on the top3 come the end of the summer. Secondly, everyone will be fighting for the top two so the question is just how many tokens will you put on them knowing that if you win you will not be able to get any of the other top players. Thirdly, the main fun of the game is finding the unknown players with ridiculous values come the end of the transfer window, enjoy the game.

            Open Controls
            1. tw
              • 13 Years
              11 years, 4 months ago

              umm where did Gink get those numbers cuz i see messi 120, ronaldo 100, iniesta 70, rooney 65, falcao 60, cavani 55, neymar 50, etc as per

              Open Controls
      1. Joga Bonito®
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        Fair enough, no drama. It will massively affect tactics that's all. It seems to be gaining interest, have their been a lot of applicants?

        Open Controls
        1. tw
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          getting close to 50 but many are scouts

          Open Controls
      2. tw
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        i'm a 1 as well I think. would captain x1.5 as opposed to x2 be plausible?

        Open Controls
        1. Joga Bonito®
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          I just think that owning Messi gives you on current values 240 mil, besides Ronaldo that would give you a minimum of 40 mil more than the next possible captain and 100 mil more than the one after that.

          that's a lot of money to make up. It could make it interesting though because people will be aware of his and spunk all of their money on a couple of players leaving them with no buying power for future rounds.

          You'd essentially be putting all of your eggs in one majestic Messi shaped basket.

          Open Controls
          1. TorresMagic™
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • Has Moderation Rights
            • 15 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            Simple, no captains.

            Open Controls
          2. tw
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            I agree completely with you. could be tough which is why 1.5 for captaincy might be better.

            but yes getting messi or ronaldo would significantly hinder you for later rounds. and it's forwards after gk's defs and mids so you'd have to sacrifice getting good players in those areas in the first rounds to save up for messi or ronaldo

            also if everyone is going for ronaldo and messi that means you might be able to pick up someone like lambert on a free in the first round ;). lots of strategy involved for sure

            Open Controls
  17. Damo.
    • 14 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    1: Daughter this morning
    "Dad when are we going to get a car?"

    I'm not really sure Belle"

    "How about twenty to one?" 😀
    Of course! The snacking hr today is the perfect time to buy a car.

    2: Predator: The Musical

    3: Anyone see Simon Reeves' Australia last night? Letting supertankers be guided through the Great Barrier Reef is genius isn't it? 000's of tons of coal and oil weaving it's way through the most precarious ecosytems in the world. The mind boggles.

    Open Controls
    1. The Light Knight
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      4 Stop shaving, you don't have a beard!!

      Open Controls
  18. Master J.
    • 11 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Hey Lads,

    Couple of Q's on TW's summer FF game.

    What's the role of the owner and manager? The scout do the leg work by finding possible transfers, etc, but does the owner/manager actually do?

    Am I correct in suggesting that the game is won off team value? And This may be accrued in two ways: buying more expensive players for a low amount of tokens and buying players whose value will explode due to club transfers IRL?

    Open Controls
    1. tw
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      hey mate. just so you know ENR Declan and Isacki are also running the game so just wanna give credit where credit is due 🙂

      “Each club has an Owner, Chief Scout and Manager as a minimum. Each club may choose to have multiple Scouts (the maximum is up to the club to decide). The owner holds the budget, the decision making power and is the link between the club and FFS UEFA. The scouts quite literally scout for potential players. The manager builds the morale in the team and gives pressers when necessary. It is up to the club and the owner to decide each member’s roles.”


      "Owners then picks his manager and team of scouts. Each club is expected to have the minimum of 3 team members by June 6th. Beyond that, the owner can continue to recruit scouts, as the club deems fit.”"

      does that make sense?

      and yes the game is won based on the highest team value. the value/token doesn't matter just the value so use your tokens how you think it's best. maybe you spend 90 tokens on 2-3 high value players and then have 10 tokens left to fill out the rest of your squad or maybe you go for a more balanced approach. that's up to the team to decide it's strategy.

      also have a read of the other comments on this page as there's been quite a lot of discussion about the game and how to manage a team, etc

      Open Controls
    2. Joga Bonito®
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      I think the owner has the final say on everything. Scouts are there to find players that others may not have noticed and managers are the owners right hand man.

      Open Controls
      1. tw
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        yes that's the general idea but the owner could decide to make his team a democracy and leave all the decisions up to a team vote. also owner and manager can help scout as well.

        basically the owner decides how much of a dictator or communistic approach he wants to take

        Open Controls
  19. tw
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    HVT - market value can be found here:

    players in high demand will have their market value raise

    also I was mistaken, only 3 bids per round

    Open Controls
    1. Joga Bonito®
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      I can't remember who it was yesterday but somebody mentioned that because all of the players put forward by the teams are made public before the actual bidding process the scouting element is almost redundant because other players will be able to see the players you've scouted before they start bidding. What do you make of this?

      Open Controls
      1. tw
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        they have a fair point but otherwise it wouldn't work as you'd have a secret bid and could pick up all your players on a free if no one else knows.

        also you put forward 5 players per team per round right? so that means there's potentially 100 teams in the pool each round and each team can only bid on 3 players so 100 players max in the pool with 60 possible bids.

        and the scouting has to do with if you think they'll rise or not so if you've scouted out a player or have knowledge that they'll probably rise that's your advantage and the other teams might not know that and thus ignore the player

        Open Controls
        1. Joga Bonito®
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          I know that you've all put lots of time and effort in to this game and this is just a suggestion but with regards to the captaincy I think this would be cool:

          - Your captain should be the player that you think will have the biggest price rise.

          - Instead of getting double the whole value of the player you get triple the players increase in value

          - As an example - if you pick a player who at the start of the game is £1 and he increases to 16 million he has a 15 million increase.... owning this player as captain would give you a bonus of 45 million.

          I just think that this would encourage people to be more creative in finding players.

          Feel free to rip my idea apart, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

          Open Controls
          1. Joga Bonito®
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 13 Years
            11 years, 4 months ago

            I'll repost.

            Open Controls
    2. HVT
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Thanks - it'll be like Fiso kinda so , driven by various market forces so I think .
      Getting clearer now it looks to me that me the most important component in your team is decent ' Scouts' ie guys in the know ( or think they are 😉

      Open Controls
      1. tw
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago


        the most important components beside that are good organization/team delegation and a good strategy

        Open Controls
  20. King Nil Miss ✩
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago


    To answer to your previous question and to give some entertainment for anyone who doesn´t know, "Joga Bonito" means play beautifully in Portuguese(Brazilian) and is the name of a TV show hosted by Eric Cantona

    Open Controls
    1. Joga Bonito®
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      There was a huge nike campaign based on it with loads of videos of silky South American skills. Loved it.

      Open Controls
      1. King Nil Miss ✩
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        Yes, actually this video has a random 1on1 on it but in the end you can see epic Zlatan kicking his chewing gum 😀

        Open Controls
        1. Joga Bonito®
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          11 years, 4 months ago

          You seen the Robinho and festal Falcao one?

          Open Controls
    2. Elniñorules
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Aha that explains it. My mate's a hardcore United fan too

      Cheers King. You joining the transfer window madness? More details in my link 🙂

      Open Controls
      1. tw
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        more details in my link 😉

        Open Controls
      2. King Nil Miss ✩
        • 13 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        I´m not sure I´ll understand the competition but I´ll give it a read.

        Open Controls
  21. Van Dal
    • 14 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Did you get to pick a prize this year for winning fpl? what were the choices?

    Open Controls
      1. Van Dal
        • 14 Years
        11 years, 4 months ago

        ta tm

        Open Controls
  22. Open Controls
  23. Jafalad
    • 14 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Interesting article earlier from this year's FPL winner and it sounds like he might be a uberologist:

    "I reverted back to the tactics of the first two seasons I played, which was to go “all out” on a powerful front seven or eight, whilst spending minimal outlay on a back three and keeper. I think in those early FPL days when I had a top 1000 and 5000 finish, I remember playing two or three very cheap enablers all season."

    Thoughts on his strategy?

    Open Controls
  24. HVT
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    TSG :
    If persay your 3 bids are unsuccessful - what happens then ?

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  25. GreennRed
    • 13 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Legendary Klopp, tells it like it is 😉

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  26. FPL_Liger
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Well done Matt and bless you! YBIC, Simon

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    1. spiderm4tt
      • 11 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Thanks Simon, God Bless you too!

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  27. Marknlard
    • 15 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    Good read - what a deserved winner, giving his prize away too. Great stuff!

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    1. spiderm4tt
      • 11 Years
      11 years, 4 months ago

      Thanks 🙂

      I have tried quite a few times to give my prize away to my friend and his daughter mentioned in the interview....but my friend wants me to go with him as he feels it is the right thing to do as I won the prize, and we are really good friends, so we'll no doubt have a great time. I am happy to accept this obviously and we are now looking forward to going to Hong Kong 🙂


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    • 12 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    half time punk show - partizan belgrade stadium, serbia


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    • 12 Years
    11 years, 4 months ago

    anyone good in video editing around here?

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